5 minutes with... Geoff Smith
22 October 2024
Earlier this year we welcomed Geoff Smith to the Peritus team. As Head of Compliance, Geoff will be working mainly with Peritus Private Finance and Peritus Network.
We had a quick chat with Geoff to get to know him better…
What is a typical day in the life of the Head of Compliance?
There is not a typical day – it ranges from liaising with the FCA , dealing with financial promotions, recruitment and assessments of competencies. I could be in the office or anywhere in the country visiting network members. No two days are alike!
Where have you worked before joining Peritus?
My first job in financial services was working with Combined Insurance Company of America. I then had periods of employment with Norwich Union and Zurich Financial Services. With a sound knowledge of how the financial world works I took a slight change of tack from selling to concentrate on compliance. Prior to starting my role at Peritus I was part of the compliance team at Openwork, a large, nationwide, financial adviser network.
Do you have any special qualifications for your role?
I hold the Diploma in Financial Services including Supervision in Regulated services. This formal qualification allows me to supervise other financial advisers.
What are you looking forward to working for Peritus?
The varied range of subjects that will come my way. Peritus has great working relationships with their network members, so I’m looking forward to meeting the advisers in the network and finding out about the diverse range of business they do.
Did you do any other jobs before working in compliance?
My working life began in food retailing with Sainsbury’s. I was part of the team of the mangers that opened Sainsbury’s flagship SavaCentre store in Washington… the reason I ended up in the North East!
Name a fun fact about you that people may not know.
I got into financial services after answering an advert that stated “Sports-minded? Then talk to us” I passed all the interviews and I asked when do I start selling in sports? – only to learn it was a bit of a rouse to get you interested – It was selling insurance not sports at all!
I have one or two dogs… actually I have 15 dogs… so they keep me very fit and active outside of work.
What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
Be yourself. And when you make plans consider making them with a pencil!
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grow up?
Had to be a footballer! I had dreams of playing for my beloved Birmingham City, slight problem was a total lack of natural ability!